Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Im watching you watching me...

Suveiliance remind me of the movie "Tron". This from my other class but it apply to the idea of suveliance so well. On the internet, we could be(or actually ARE!) being watch as many time as we spend on the internet. In Tron, the cell design to held to prisoner are construct by one sided mirror. Which means that guards are able to watch from the outside only, and the prisoner won't know when are they being watch, who are they watch by or even if anyone actually watching. It form paranoid situation when we are constantly aware of our activity online.

Spyware had been develop for spying(obviously~). They might serve for different purpose, commercial, political, or even criminal. Whether or not is a positive or negative issue, I guess its still belong to a grey area. As far as enthical issue goes, any form of intrusion without permission are morally un-cool. But the genuin statistic that receive from un-aware spying are alway influential.

I can do so many thing that I always want to do but couldn't

Online video game brought probably one of the major income toward online industry. It would be cool if Blizzard change all their revenu from online role playing game into coin and swim in it. Anyway, I am not a big fan of this type of entainment. but I guess for those people who spend most of the days throughout the week to make the projected inner self stronger would speak other-wise.

I believe that the reason why people play role play online game has several. Of course one is simply entertainment. After comming out from a discussion with a friend over dinner just then, his idea about these sort of game are mainly because of the pleasure of achieving certain status in what the actual world could provide. I enjoyed the conversation because Video game study is part of his Honor degree and his points were quite valid.
As far as Multi Player Online Role playing game goes, it could easily be define as one form virtual community. The importance of share language, avater, knowledge are all taken account into, in addition to that is the goal where every player wanted to achieve. Its different from traditional Narration driven type of game. the Story level of these games are not as strong or even none. Which is the players/users who created that story within themself. Its a creation of manipulation for manipulation. At the end of the day, people would still be player under certain program which was contructed by a group of people, but these program are design for people to manipulet the action within it.
I guess the addiction of it is the feeling of return from investment. The joy of achievement. Of cos the eoconomic contain both on/offline, game play may also lead to actual money. I just wonder sometime that I won't be happy to be put in a box. Eventhough its big, but still, the flower is always prettier when they are real~


Developmet of Web, as the platform of internet has allow more function and purposes to be use. This improvment had lead to many more other newly technologies for users. From only text form to the fast streaming video blog sites, these "benefit" are the product of Web 2.0. As well as function improvement such as double click. All these had brought the information age to another level.

The distribution of information from wikipedia or similar website, had a very significant change toward the relationship between consumer and producer. As multi purpose as internet goes, the definition of the two had become more and more ambiguise. Everyone who had a computer and able to type can distribute information, as well as anyone can read would become a consumer. Of course this require a certain literacy level. In the case like youtube, which had another requirement, but commonly that the computer literacy is needed. The main point is, this had lower of value of authority about information. Everything from the internet would needed carefully cited in order to be trust-worthy. Even so, when a certain website held the reputation of being sincere, it doesn't mean they have the authority. I guess the same could apply to television tho. But internet are much more easier then television, its not like anyone could be a producer or something.

Information are flooded on internet. Its a general sense becasue it is general. Of cos, if we say that we are not able to receive any information other than what we get online, it would just shape us into a very direct, narrow-minded being(since every is so easy with google, and it is so big).Even add-on like "Stumble!" is trying to broader our sight online, it is still shape by our choice of preference. It is not rational.Googling or wikiing is different from browsing from the library. On the other hand, these type of information site would devalue the authorites, but understand one subject from a unknow person point of view would always help to develop a different idea about the same topic in ourself.

Virtual community

The community on internet is probably the activity where everyone does online, intentionally or unintentionally. The definition of it can be as broad as groups of people who share the same interest get together and exchange any form of infomation. Because each community have a particular form of share code or language, which made the new participant need time to get used to and adopted that form of culture in order to be part of it.

The relationship between individual user within the a community contain several aspect, which mostly related to the identity. In identity, is referring the "individual" who being represent on the internet, not the one who is typing this blog. Avator is one form of simple representation of users, which is probably the most popular choice by internet community users.

The social asset can be reset by switching between different communities. With the experience and knowledge which construct by one user, they will be recognize through the Avater. It is a bit like coding, the way that people talk, along with the avater, thats how virtual identity is being recognize.

In addition, the idea of Brigding and Bonding also taken into account when we look at virtual community. I believe whether or not a user have a strong tide or weak tide toward the community, its depends on the mater of time and experiece, but most impartant its the value that the individual held from his actual self.


As far as intenet development goes, the participation of user is vast. And with the trillion of data which contain on the virtual, it is hard to do a research single hand. The traditional way of research included two approach. The quantitative and the qualitative. Basically one is focus on more about the activities and the other one is more about the frequency.There are disadvantages in both approach, hence a single way won't be able to present a comprehensive result about the study.

Secondly, the similarity of virtual culture and the actual culture where we all living in right now is pretty close. There are different culture within the internet as well, not only subject-wise, as well as identity-wise or many more other aspects. This form of Virtual Sociology had an impact on the research approach which is the ethical issue. Not only in the sense that different meaning from variety of culture, but also gaining permission for accessing the require information. The lack of info could lead to insufficient data calculation which alter the result.

Internet would still be consider as a relatively new medium. Imagine the time when scholar spent on knowing studying television. Internet would need at least the same amount of time and possibly soon to be develop theory to understand the way that it function.