Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Im watching you watching me...

Suveiliance remind me of the movie "Tron". This from my other class but it apply to the idea of suveliance so well. On the internet, we could be(or actually ARE!) being watch as many time as we spend on the internet. In Tron, the cell design to held to prisoner are construct by one sided mirror. Which means that guards are able to watch from the outside only, and the prisoner won't know when are they being watch, who are they watch by or even if anyone actually watching. It form paranoid situation when we are constantly aware of our activity online.

Spyware had been develop for spying(obviously~). They might serve for different purpose, commercial, political, or even criminal. Whether or not is a positive or negative issue, I guess its still belong to a grey area. As far as enthical issue goes, any form of intrusion without permission are morally un-cool. But the genuin statistic that receive from un-aware spying are alway influential.

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